4 Week Women's Wellness to Weight Loss Challenge Details
If you are here to kick off the New Year with health and happiness with my 4 week Wellness Challenge then you are in the right place! Below you will find links to the Guideline Details for the 4 week (and hopefully beyond) challenge.
Below you will find essential documents and links for the wellness challenge.​
*If you would like to OFFICIALLY be part of the challenge (and be entered in to a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card), you must do all of the following things:
Fill out the INITIAL QUESIONNAIRE (linked above) prior to January 15th.
Fill out weekly updates (links will be provided on the Facebook group page each Monday). There are 4 total; one for each week.
Fill out the FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE at the end of the 4 week challenge. It will be available February 15th on the group Facebook page and will need to be submitted by February 16th at midnight.
If you do all of these questionnaires and updates in the timeline provided, you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card! This is intended to provide motivation and accountability for those who want and need an extra level of motivation. It's totally optional and it's free.